Origins of Exchange
Maksudnya adalah pertukaran barang atau jasa dapat dikatakan merupakan kehendak asli daripada sekelompok orang-orang untuk mempertahankan standard kebiasaan atau tingkat kehidupan atau justru untuk mempertinggi tingkat kehidupan tadi dan juga karena adanya surplus produksi.
Kita mungkin dapat menerima keadaan yang pertama tadi sebagai sifat alamiah daripada manusia. Suatu keterangan yang rasional dari gejala pertukaran tadi pada setiap saat tak lain adalah adanya kerugian untuk mempertahankan standard kehidupan materiil.
Pada masyarakat yang sederhana kelebihan produksi bahan-bahan atas keperluan sekarang dengan keperluan yang akan datang adalah merupakan surplus. Surplus ini hanya mempunyai nilai bila dipertukarkan. Paling sedikit dua cara yaitu :
1. Karena ada spesialisasi alamiah yang disebabkan karena adanya perbedana-perbedaan daripada keseburan alam.
2. Munculnya Surplus produksi adalah dikarenakan adanya spesialisasi didalam skill ( keahlian ).
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The point is the exchange of goods or services can be said to be a genuine desire rather than a group of people to maintain a standard of practice or standard of living or even to enhance the lives of that and also because of surplus production.
We may be able to accept the situation as the first one rather than human nature. A rational explanation of symptoms at any time before the exchange is none other than the loss of material to maintain the standard of living.
At the simple surplus production above ingredients with a purpose now needs to come is a surplus. This surplus only have value when exchanged. At least two ways:
1. Because there is a natural specialization due to the differences rather than keseburan perbedana-nature.
2. The emergence of surplus production is due to specialization in skill (expertise).
We may be able to accept the situation as the first one rather than human nature. A rational explanation of symptoms at any time before the exchange is none other than the loss of material to maintain the standard of living.
At the simple surplus production above ingredients with a purpose now needs to come is a surplus. This surplus only have value when exchanged. At least two ways:
1. Because there is a natural specialization due to the differences rather than keseburan perbedana-nature.
2. The emergence of surplus production is due to specialization in skill (expertise).
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