Friday, June 28, 2013

What advantages Database ( English Version )

Actually there are lots of Ko benefits in database, now what are the benefits:
- Speed ​​and Ease

How could quickly and easily why?, So the answer is to use a data base information retrieval can be quickly and easily, the next one in the database has the ability grouping even with mathematical calculations, with the right design, the presentation of information will be done quickly and easily .
- Mutual assistance

That is how ya how ya mean togetherness users!, Ok now so the answer database can be used many users and many applications. For data that is required by many states / people do not need to keep records on each piece, but enough with the database to be used simultaneously.
- Pooled Data Control

With the centralization of the data control is needed just a single database for many purposes, control of the data is done in one place.
- The efficiency of storage space

Wow-Wow Pooled Data Control, with concurrent usage, we is not need to provide storage in various places. Just enough so that it will save the storage space that is owned by an organization. With database design technique that is true, then we can simplify storage so not all data should be stored.
- Accuracy

Strict application of the rules of data type, data domain, the uniqueness of the data, relationships (relationship) between data and others, can suppress inaccuracies in inputting / data storage.
- Availability

The point is this with the database we can perform backups of data, sorting through which data can still be in use, and which data need to be stored elsewhere. It is worth remembering that the data getting bigger the longer automatically required more storage space again.
- Completeness
- Security

Most DBMS equipped with user management facilities. Users are granted access to different according to their interests.
- Ease of making a new application program
- Use direct
- Freedom Data
- User View

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