Friday, June 28, 2013

Urinating Pus / Lion King

Gonorrhea (English: gonorrhea or gonorrhea) is a sexually transmitted disease caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae that infect the inner lining of the urethra, cervix, rectum, throat, and the whites of the eye (conjunctiva). Gonorrhea can spread through the bloodstream to other parts of the body, especially the skin and joints. In women, gonorrhea can spread to and infect the genital tract lining in the hips causing hip pain and reproductive problems. easy to drink the medicine TricaJuss

Furthermore Avoid Eat meals as follows:

1. Meat, especially lamb, pork,

2. Fish, especially milkfish. tuna, anchovies, squid, shrimp, crab, seafood.

3. Broiler chickens, eggs

4. Cucumbers, cabbage ..

5. Coffee, milk and soft drinks / alcoholic

What advantages Database ( English Version )

Actually there are lots of Ko benefits in database, now what are the benefits:
- Speed ​​and Ease

How could quickly and easily why?, So the answer is to use a data base information retrieval can be quickly and easily, the next one in the database has the ability grouping even with mathematical calculations, with the right design, the presentation of information will be done quickly and easily .
- Mutual assistance

That is how ya how ya mean togetherness users!, Ok now so the answer database can be used many users and many applications. For data that is required by many states / people do not need to keep records on each piece, but enough with the database to be used simultaneously.
- Pooled Data Control

With the centralization of the data control is needed just a single database for many purposes, control of the data is done in one place.
- The efficiency of storage space

Wow-Wow Pooled Data Control, with concurrent usage, we is not need to provide storage in various places. Just enough so that it will save the storage space that is owned by an organization. With database design technique that is true, then we can simplify storage so not all data should be stored.
- Accuracy

Strict application of the rules of data type, data domain, the uniqueness of the data, relationships (relationship) between data and others, can suppress inaccuracies in inputting / data storage.
- Availability

The point is this with the database we can perform backups of data, sorting through which data can still be in use, and which data need to be stored elsewhere. It is worth remembering that the data getting bigger the longer automatically required more storage space again.
- Completeness
- Security

Most DBMS equipped with user management facilities. Users are granted access to different according to their interests.
- Ease of making a new application program
- Use direct
- Freedom Data
- User View

Apa Kelebihan dari Basis Data

Sebenarnya banyak bener manfaat yang terkandung di dalam basis data, nah apa saja manfaatnya :

- Kecepatan dan Kemudahan

   Loh Kok bisa cepat dan mudah kenapa ?, begini jawabannya dengan menggunakan basis data pengambilan informasi dapat dengan cepat dan mudah,yang berikutnya basis data mempunyai kemampuan dalam pengelompokkan bahkan perhitungan dengan matematika, dengan perancangan yang benar, maka penyajian informasi akan dapat dilakukan dengan cepat dan mudah.

- Kebersamaan pemakai

     Maksudnya gimana nih kebersamaan pemakai maksudnya gimana nih !, ok sekarang begini jawabannya basis data bisa digunakan banyak user dan banyak aplikasi. Untuk data-data yang diperlukan oleh banyak bagian/orang tidak perlu lagi melakukan pencatatan di masing-masing bagian,tetapi cukup dengan satu basis data untuk dipakai bersamaan.

- Pemusatan Kontrol Data

 Dengan adanya Pemusatan Kontrol data maka diperlukan cuma satu basis data untuk banyak keperluan,pengontrolan terhadap data cukup dilakukan satu tempat saja.

- Efisiensi ruang penyimpanan

    Waduh-Waduh Pemusatan Kontrol Data, dengan pemakaian secara bersamaan, kita sangatlah tidak perlu menyediakan tempat penyimpanan di berbagai tempat. Cukup satu saja sehingga akan menghemat ruang penyimpanan yang dimiliki oleh sebuah organisasi . Dengan teknik perancangan basis data yang benar, maka kita bisa menyederhanakan penyimpanan sehingga tidak semua data harus disimpan.

- Keakuratan

  Penerapan secara ketat aturan tipe data, domain data, keunikan data, relasi (hubungan) antar data dan lain-lain,dapat menekan ketidakakuratan dalam penginputan/penyimpanan data.

- Ketersediaan

  Maksudnya begini dengan adanya basis data kita bisa melakukan backup data,memilah-milah data mana yang masih bisa di pergunakan,dan data mana yang perlu di simpan ke tempat lain. Hal ini perlu diingat bahwa data semakin lama semakin membesar secara otomatis diperlukan tempat penyimpanan yang lebih besar lagi.
- Kelengkapan
- Keamanan

   Kebanyakan DBMS dilengkapi dengan fasilitas manajemen pemakai. Pemakai diberikan hak untuk mengakses yang berbeda-beda sesuai dengan kepentingannya. 
- Kemudahan dalam pembuatan program aplikasi baru
- Pemakaian secara langsung
- Kebebasan Data
- User View


Islam is a religion that recognizes that God is only one God, the last prophet of Islam brought by the Prophet Muhammad, the Prophet Muhammad as Islam is so large that the first four caliphs, the question now is why the fourth Caliph Ali Bin Abi Talib died divisive split islam, whether speech before the prophet Muhammad died, he said it would happen

"One Day My Ummah will be divided as offshore waves".

Sadness in the hearts of Muslims who adopts Shi'ite cult in Madura considered, but they are not Muslims but they are also different views, different views on please even if all Muslims should respect each other and keep the one who brought Islam. And there are many examples of people think the fate of the Muslims in Palestine, Muslims in Myanmar and others

Where the tenderness of a true Muslim? not to mention the sadness in my heart, once islam jaya, so powerful, all good medicine, natural sciences, mathematics, literature up so badly, now in modern times this era mentions Islam as a terrorist religion, in Islam it is not true religion of terrorists, religion and the holy scriptures include everything in this world.

Islamic books Quran, many may not know the actual contents of the Qur'an is our grief at this time, the majority of Muslims in this age can only be read but do not know the contents of the Qur'an in sunguh very sadly not.............

Lanjutan Dari ADO

Ini Lanjutan Dari ADO yang beberapa artikel yang lalu saya buat :
1. Pertama Kita Bangun Modul dulu

Option Explicit

Public db As New ADODB.Connection

Public Function OpenTbl()
On Error Resume Next
    With db
        .ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=" & App.Path & ".\Database\Data.mdb"
    End With
End Function

2. Setelah Modul Terbuat langkah selanjutnya kita bangun desain program

Setelah Desain Form Selesai kita buat, lalu kita masukan kode programnya, seperti dibawah ini

Option Explicit
Dim TmpMusnah As New ADODB.Recordset
Private Sub Form_Activate()


With TmpMusnah
    If .State = adStateOpen Then
    End If
    .CursorLocation = adUseClient
    .CursorType = adOpenDynamic
    .LockType = adLockOptimistic
    .Open "Select * from TmpPemusnahan", db
    Set Me.DataGrid1.DataSource = TmpMusnah
End With

End Sub

Nah Pertanyaan dimana letak perintah modul yang kita buat, perhatian di tulisan Private Sub Form_Activate
didalam tulisan kode disana saya masukan perintah modul.opentbl (ini modul yang kita kasih perintah untuk koneksi yang tadi). sekian dari saya mudah2 berguna bagi kawan-kawan semua

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Driver Compaq 510 untuk XP

Silahkan bagi yang mempunya notebook / laptop seri compaq 510 :
1. VGA Silahkan download disini
2. Audio Silahkan download disini
3. Chipset silahkan download disini
4. Keyboard dan lain-lain silahkan download disini
        a. download disini
        b. download disini
5. Network (Jaringan)
     a. download disini
     b. download disini
6. Utility
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 mungkin siang ini baru di update ,dikarenakan masih proses transmisi data saya

Petunjuk Upgrade ND95


  • Copykan attachment ND95_481.ZIP ke folder program ND95 anda.
    Umumnya terletak di folder \APLIKASI\ND95
  • Buka My Computer, klik pada drive di mana program nd95 anda terletak,  klik folder APLIKASI, klik folder ND95,
    Sorot pada file ND95_481.ZIP yang telah dicopy tadi,  klik kanan, pilih EXTRACT TO HERE 
    Bila diminta konfirmasi, klik YES TO ALL


  • Copykan attachment ND95_481.7Z ke folder program ND95 anda.
    Umumnya terletak di folder \APLIKASI\ND95
  • Buka My Computer, klik pada drive dimana program nd95 anda terletak, klik folder APLIKASI,
    klik folder ND95,
    sorot pada file ND95_481.7Z yang telah dicopy tadi,
    klik kanan, pilih '7-zip', pilih EXTRACT HERE
    Bila diminta konfirmasi, klik YES TO ALL


Pertama kali anda menjalankan ND95 dengan release baru, biasanya diperlukan menjalankan proses restruktur database.
Bila ada pemberitahuan dari sistem bahwa anda perlu melakukan restruktur database,
maka jawab OK saja, kemudian pilih STANDARD MODE.
Bila dengan STANDAR MODE diketemukan ada Data Width Error,
maka ulangi Restruktur dengan pilihan RECOVER DWE.

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