Sunday, June 30, 2013

Factors causing maximal effort is not running

There are a few things we need to think about why we are not running maximum effort:

1, which is not a reliable Managerial Capabilities
2. Less Mastering the Business Sector in run it
3, administration and financial management of poor
4. Inadequate planning
5. Businesses that are less supportive place
Here I will explain one by one
A.  Which is not a reliable Managerial Capabilities
Running a business or business can not be separated from the role of the offender in this case the owner. semestisnya owner absolutely must have managerial skills in controlled.with the capabilities we can make a good business strategy, and plan further development
B.  Less Mastering the Business Sector in run it\
If you experience this, then you are being squandered venture capital, for example, you open a cyber cafe business but you do not understand the specifications of the computer that will be used whether for online games or just for browsing only.
C. Administration and financial management of poor
Financial management and poor administration will certainly complicate the progress of the business, administrative records and any financial loss or would have got frequently in corruption by officials
D. Inadequate planning
Planning a major factor in determining the success of a business, there is no success or the success that came to me, yes like expecting money raining down from the sky
E. Businesses that are less supportive place
The place can determine the achievements and good luck this statement is true it is, a lot of relationships with the business world, many factors that could affect the merits of the place of business that you have

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Rossi Winner

 New Round of Office of Motor GP which saw the game held in the Netherlands, was so shocked I saw Valetino Rossi triumphed, he .. he also loved Rossi me anyway, I see rossi victory so proud to see him go up to the podium, during the year 2013 since rossi back to yamaha I've seen a lot of progress from rossi, rossi and hope that can still maintain performance even if the age is stepping age 34 still keep Valentino Rossi's performance in the next game should be on the podium again, you have not been long on the podium and pursue rossi point not to lose with the young

Friday, June 28, 2013

Lanjutan Approaches To The Study of Marketing

Didalam Lanjutan Approaches To The Study of Marketing

Origins of Exchange

Maksudnya adalah pertukaran barang atau jasa dapat dikatakan merupakan kehendak asli daripada sekelompok orang-orang untuk mempertahankan standard kebiasaan atau tingkat kehidupan atau justru untuk mempertinggi tingkat kehidupan tadi dan juga karena adanya surplus produksi.

Kita mungkin dapat menerima keadaan yang pertama tadi sebagai sifat alamiah daripada manusia. Suatu keterangan yang rasional dari gejala pertukaran tadi pada setiap saat tak lain adalah adanya kerugian untuk mempertahankan standard kehidupan materiil.

Pada masyarakat yang sederhana kelebihan produksi bahan-bahan atas keperluan sekarang dengan keperluan yang akan datang adalah merupakan surplus. Surplus ini hanya mempunyai nilai bila dipertukarkan. Paling sedikit dua cara yaitu :

1. Karena ada spesialisasi alamiah yang disebabkan karena adanya perbedana-perbedaan daripada keseburan alam.
2.  Munculnya Surplus produksi adalah dikarenakan adanya spesialisasi didalam skill ( keahlian ).

Translate English Language

The point is the exchange of goods or services can be said to be a genuine desire rather than a group of people to maintain a standard of practice or standard of living or even to enhance the lives of that and also because of surplus production.

We may be able to accept the situation as the first one rather than human nature. A rational explanation of symptoms at any time before the exchange is none other than the loss of material to maintain the standard of living.

At the simple surplus production above ingredients with a purpose now needs to come is a surplus. This surplus only have value when exchanged. At least two ways:

1. Because there is a natural specialization due to the differences rather than keseburan perbedana-nature.

2. The emergence of surplus production is due to specialization in skill (expertise).

Perampingan Lagi di Yahoo

Berdasarkan berita yang di dapat, yahoo sedang melakukan perampingan lagi ada beberapa produk yang akan di tutup oleh yahoo, yaitu :
  1. Altavista di tutup pada tgl 8 Juli yang akan datang
  2. Yahoo Axis ditutup pada tgl 28 juni
  3. Yahoo Browser Plus ditutup tgl 28 juni
  4. Citizen Sport ditutup tgl 28 juni
  5. Yahoo Download Beta akan ditutup tgl 31 juli yang akan datang
  6. Foxytunes akan ditutup 1 juli
  7. Yahoo RSS Alerts 
  8. Yahoo Bintang India ditutup tgl 25 juli
Pihak Yahoo mengatakan akan lebih focus pada produk dan layanan diarahkan kebiasaan sehari-hari, seperti email, cuaca, olahraga, keuangan, dan foto.
CEO Marisa Mayer mengatakan dia lebih suka memikirkan Yahoo sebagai startup yang besar, dan Yahoo terus melakukan investasi karena itulah akan mendorong pertumbuhan

Makna Terkandung di Dalam Surat Al Waqi'ah

Surat Al Waqi'ah Banyak Posting mengatakan bahwa bisa melenyapkan kemiskinan dan mendatangkan rejeki bagi siapa saja, setelah saya pelajari hari demi hari, sebenarnya inti di dalam surat tersebut menyatakan bahwa kejadian nanti pada saat di hari ki'amat nanti akan terjadi bencana alam secara besar-besar, dan seluruh umat manusia itu akan dimatikan lalu dihidupkan kembali 

Pada Saat Kejadian Itu maka manusia akan menjadi 3 golongan yaitu :
  1. Golongan Kiri
  2. Golongan Kanan
  3. Orang - Orang yang beriman 
Di Dalam Surat Al Waqi'ah Menyebutkan bahwa orang-orang yang bergolongan kiri akan sengsara berada di neraka, sedangkan orang-orang yang bergolongan kanan dan orang-orang yang beriman akan berada di surga

Di Dalam Surat Al Waqi'ah menyebut kan bahwa Al-Qur'an adalah Adalah Kitab Terakhir yang di Turunkan oleh Allah, jangan di anggap remeh.

Inti di dalam Surat Al-Waqi'ah ialah janganlah menggap remeh Al-Qur'an, dikarenakan Seluruh Ilmu Pengetahuan itu berada di dalam Al-Qur'an, nanti pada saat kiamat seluruh umat manusia akan dimatikan dan di hidupkan kembali, dan Gunung-gunung, gedung yang paling tinggi nanti akan di hancurkan dan akan di jadikan debu.

Makna Terkandung di Dalam Surat Al Waqi'ah Translate to English Language
Surat Al Waqi'ah Many posts say that could eliminate poverty and bring fortune for anyone, once I learn day by day, the core is actually in the letter stated that the incident later in the day when ki'amat will be a disaster on a large -large, and all mankind will be turned off and then turned back

  At the time Genesis was then man will be 3 groups, namely:

     Left faction
     Right faction
     Person - believer

In In Surat Al Waqi'ah Mentioning that the people who diversified the left will suffer in hell, whereas people who diversified the right and those who believe will be in heaven
In Surat Al Waqi'ah in calling out that the Qur'an is the Last Book which is down by God, should not be discounted.
Core in Surat Al-Waqi'ah do not deem trivial is the Qur'an, because the whole of Science is located in the Al-Quran, tonight at the end of all mankind will be turned off and on again, and Mount-mountain, the highest buildings will be destroyed and will be made in the dust.

Entrepreneurship ( Kewirausahaan ) english version

Before we talk Entrepreneurship deeper, we need to know what is the meaning of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship or entrepreneurship is more famous for the process to develop, identifies and brings vision in this life. the point is the need for innovation and ideas and our creativity in making the formation of a new business or new opportunities in the form of the conditions of risk or uncertainty in making changes and better innovation.

Personality Characteristics and Entrepreneurship are as follows:

  1.  confident  
  2. Oriented tasks and results 
  3. Willing to take risks 
  4. Have leadership qualities  
  5. Having a forward thinking 
  6. authenticity  
  7. Also needed Honesty and diligence
     Don'ts Never Give Up.

An entrepreneurial nature as follows:

  • Confidence, optimism, independence, individuality. 
  • Have achievements, think of the benefits, has a strong determination, energetic, hardworking, and has its own initiative.
  • Has the full nature of the risk and there is a challenge.
  •  Have a high innovation and creativity, flexible, versatile and has an extensive business network

Entrepreneurship ( Kewirausahaan )

Sebelum kita berbicara Kewirausahaan lebih dalam, perlu kita ketahui apa arti kewirausahaan, kewirausahaan atau lebih terkenal dengan enterpreneurship adalah proses untuk mengembangkan,mengindetifikasikan serta membawa visi di dalam kehidupan ini. maksudnya adalah perlunya inovasi dan ide serta kreatifitas kita dalam melakukan pembentukan usaha baru atau peluang baru yang di bentuk pada kondisi resiko atau ketidak pastian dalam melakukan perubahan serta inovasi yang lebih baik lagi.

Ciri-Ciri dan Sifat Kewirausahaan adalah sebagai berikut :

  1. Percaya Diri
  2. Berorientasikan pada tugas dan hasil
  3. Berani mengambil resiko
  4. Mempunyai jiwa kepemimpinan
  5. Mempunyai pemikiran ke depan
  6. keaslian
  7. Diperlukan Juga Kejujuran dan tekun
  8. Tidak Boleh Pantang Menyerah.
Sifat seorang entrepreneurship sebagai berikut :

  1. Keyakinan,Optimisme,kemandirian,individualitas.
  2. Mempunyai prestasi, memikirkan keuntungan yang didapat,mempunyai tekad yang kuat,energik,suka bekerja keras,dan memiliki inisiatif sendiri.
  3. Mempunyai sifat penuh resiko dan ada tantangan tersendiri.
  4. Memiliki inovasi dan kreativitas tinggi, fleksibel, serba bisa dan memiliki jaringan bisnis yang luas